Information Technology Learning Journey

Vision (Intent)

‘Empowering tomorrow’s digital citizens’

The aim of the ICT curriculum is to equip students with the ICT skills that they can apply to key aspirations. The curriculum is exciting and engaging using modern technology to solve problems and create applications that can be used outside of Holgate Meadows, enriched with work and life skills in order to be successful. Students will leave with a variety of software skills and awareness about evolving technologies.  Our vision is to help students develop awareness of internet safety, computer systems and become empowered digital citizens. Students will have the opportunity to explore new technologies and computational thinking that can allow to develop further skills.  


End Points (Impact)

  • Students will be able to use the computers safely and confidently using a range of online services. They will be aware of different issues online and know to mitigate online risks with security solutions.
  • Students will have technical knowledge on how to use computer systems effectively, they will be aware of emerging technologies.  they will have awareness of different technical components in computing. 
  • Students will be able to use a range of software applications to create a variety of documents suitable for target audience and purpose, they will be creative in their ideas and produce completed documents suitable for a business. 
  • In computing students will be able to explore computational thinking through problem solving, designing new ideas and exploring coding. 


Domains of Knowledge (Implementation)


Internet Safety and Security

Computer Systems and Applications

Computational Thinking and Programming

Using Software Applications

·         Issues with online safety

·         Scams online

·         Security tools and how to best apply them online - links with FS

·         Computers

·         Laptops

·         Games consoles and PCs

·         Upgradings

·         Technical aspect and terminology

·         Security aspects and solutions

·         How computers work

·         CPU

·         Sequence

·         Iteration

·         Selection

·         Coding

·         Encryption

·         Flowcharts

·         Programming languages

·         Powerpoint

·         Word

·         Publisher

·         Excel

·         Access

·         Email Browser

·         Online Storage (One Drive) – links with FS




How to use the internet safely  

 Key propositional knowledge   

Key procedural knowledge  

·         Know the different dangers that can be found online when we use the internet and different applications  

·         Understand and recognise the different types of security threats found online and how to best respond to these effectively.  

·         Know different types of websites that are found online, purpose and audience  

·         Know how to use email effectively for communication  

·         Know what’s acceptable to post online with social media websites  

·         Be aware of ICT Laws regarding online behaviour – computer misuse act, e commerce, GDPR

·         To be able to confidently use the internet to research for a variety of information 

·       Use a variety of syntax for searching online to make it effective  

·       Recognise the difference between Real and fake websites  

·       Know what the look for with reliability and facts with websites  

·       Know the security issues that occur online and how to deal with them  

·       To be able to apply a range of tools to stay safe online (firewall, antivirus, security settings)  

·       Online shopping features- how to stay safe whilst shopping online  

·       Be able to use the right online etiquette when communicating online using different applications e.g. social media, apps, emails.  


Presenting information using ICT  

 Key propositional knowledge   

Key procedural knowledge  

·         Know the different types of software that are used and its purpose  

·         To understand how to plan a piece of work using correct planning tools for purpose and target audience in mind.  

·         To understand how to create a suitable presentation with the target audience in mind. 

·         To be able to know the key differences in what we use software for – links with job aspirations  

·         Learning about the different types of software and its purpose – user interfaces and experiences  

·         Plan the outline and content of a document e.g. house style, storyboarding, flowcharts. 

·         Know the different types of target audiences and how needs vary with client/user requirements.  

·         Review work if fit for purpose and target audience before creating it.  To be able to evaluate work and if it meets client’s needs. 

·         To be able to confidently use a range of tools to create a presentation that’s suitable for target audience and purpose 


Computer systems  

 Key propositional knowledge   

Key procedural knowledge  

·         Know what a computer system is  

·         Understand the different components in a computer system- hardware and software  

·         Know how to upgrade a PC and troubleshoot ICT Issues- hardware and software  

·         Recommend ICT Systems  

·         To be able to know what makes up the components of a computer system.  

·         Be able to explain how different technical components work together  

·         Describe key areas that can help upgrade an ICT system  

·         Explain what tools can be applied to help mitigate ICT issues. 

·         To be able to analyse existing issues and recommend new systems to be put in place  


 Creating business documents using ICT  

 Key propositional knowledge   

Key procedural knowledge  

·         To understand what desktop publishing is and how these fits into real businesses and advertising.  

·         Understand what makes a well-presented document using desktop publishing software 

·         To know the different types of business documents that can be created through desktop publishing websites.  

·         To understand the purpose of Excel. 

·         To understand the different types of data types, formulas and functions in Excel for a model.  

·         To know how to create a suitable spreadsheet for the purpose and target audience.  

·         To be able to identify different desktop publishing documents. 

·         To apply a range of tools that would be suitable on the following documents 

·         Business cards, leaflets, flyers, booklets, instruction manuals, cards.  

·         To be able to critically evaluate the different types of documents created by analysing house types, logos, layouts and fonts.  To be able to identify a range of tools that can be applied to spreadsheets.  

·         To be able to apply a range of formulas that are suitable to meet the requirements.  

·         Learn about different types of graphs and how they are suitable.  



 Computational thinking and programming  

 Key propositional knowledge   

Key procedural knowledge  

·         To understand computational thinking and concepts  

·         To able to be use design methodologies in programming  

·         To know and apply computational approaches  

·         To know what computational thinking is and recognise key features in society  

·         To know how a computer system works using computer languages 

·         To be able to solve real ICT Problems using design methodologies.  

·         To be able to design and use a range of design tools for a program. 

·         Apply design tools: Flowcharts, pseudo coding, design interface.  

·         To be able to create a program and debug it based on testing.  

·         To be able to apply Sequence, selection and iteration in programming using variables, inputs, outputs.  

·         To carry out a range of testing methods and evaluate programs.  


Road Maps